Courtney Opalko Etiquette

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31 Elegant Ways You Can Elevate Your Everyday

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Wow! Can you believe it?

The first month of 2024 has come to a close. Are you well on your way to making this your most elegant year yet?

If adding more elegance into your day is central to your 2024 Vision and Goals, you have found yourself in the right spot. I hope you’ll sign-up for our newsletter and return regularly for more content designed to help you master modern manners, build confident communication skills and embrace everyday elegance.

Did you know? Each year I lead The Elevate Your Everyday 31 Day Challenge. This exclusive Challenge is only available once a year and each round welcomes a group of like-minded women from around the world to embrace the new year by creating their vision for a more elegant life. The Challenge features daily emails filled with etiquette tips and inspiration and a private group designed to offer support and accountability along with live virtual trainings throughout the month.

I’m so proud of the 2024 Challenge Class! It truly is the perfect way to begin the year and this year was no exception. This Challenge only happens once a year, but if it sounds like something you’d like to participate in, you can sign up for the waitlist here.

So how can you embrace your most elegant year yet? Today I’m sharing 31 ways you can elevate your everyday with a list of tips inspired by The Elevate Your Everyday Challenge. These tips are designed for the woman who longs to improve her life through elegant habits that will begin to define her everyday. You can use one, or try them all. My hope is that you will find some inspiration here to step into your most elegant self.

31 Elegant Ways Your Can Elevate Your Everyday

  1. Exercise the extra effort: Whether it’s pouring your soda from a can to a glass, adding fresh herbs to garish your meal or simply holding the door for the person behind you, elegance often comes as a result of exercising a bit of extra effort.

  2. Don’t let social media control you: Take time to diligently mute, unfollow and tailor your social media experience so that is is one that inspires you.

  3. Create a space that inspires: Whether it’s a cozy reading nook or a spacious office, add a touch of elegance by adding an inviting candle, a soft blanket or photos of people and places that inspire you.

  4. Write down your goals: You’re more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. Take time to regularly review your goals and reflect on your progress.

  5. Understand your personal values: Decisions are easier to make when you align your choices with your personal values. What are yours?

  6. Prepare for an elegant day by mastering your evening routine: What can you do tonight to make tomorrow morning more enjoyable? Try programming your coffee maker to start 15 minutes after your alarm.

  7. Build your vocabulary: A strong vocabulary will help you communicate at a higher level, allowing you to more effectively share your thoughts and ideas with precision.

  8. Practice gratitude: A daily gratitude practice will help you focus on the positive aspects of your life, build more meaningful relationships and often results in improved mental and even physical health.

  9. Speak kindly to yourself so you can speak kindly to others: Mind your self talk and incorporate daily affirmations to prime your brain to think positive thoughts. I believe that when we are kind to ourselves, it’s much easier to be kind to others.

  10. Savor your morning coffee or tea: Learn proper tea and coffee etiquette to elevate your morning indulgence. Simply taking the time to savor this morning ritual will begin your day with sense of elegance.

  11. Build elegance into your daily habits: Use the idea of habit stacking to add elegant elements to already established daily habits.

  12. Perfect your posture: Strong posture demonstrates confidence, promotes good health and improves well-being. When you practice proper posture, you’ll look and feel your best!

  13. Learn the secrets to making a great first impression: From proper introductions to perfecting your handshake, there is so much to learn when it comes to making a great first impression. How can you improve your first impression?

  14. Schedule time for yourself first: Health appointments, wellness visits, exercise classes and time to yourself should be scheduled into your agenda before anything else!

  15. Make time for mindfulness: As you’re scheduling time for yourself, remember to incorporate small “brain breaks” throughout the day to refresh your mind and attitude.

  16. Let empathy lead your thoughts, words and actions: The best way to find success? Always be kind. Approach situations with curiosity, listen carefully and lead with your heart.

  17. Rest and rejuvenate with intention: Proper sleep hygiene is incredibly important, but there are many ways to rest your mind, body and spirit. Learn more about the different types of rest you can incorporate into your life.

  18. Indulge in seasonal foods and meals: Shop the farmers market, start a garden or simply incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables into your regular meals.

  19. Practice basic dining etiquette: Why not sharpen your skills with a private virtual dining etiquette training? These important skills are guaranteed to elevate your everyday!

  20. Treat yourself to fresh flowers: Consider this essential to your weekly grocery list! It’s a simple way to invite elegance and luxury into your everyday.

  21. Create your own elegant experiences: Plan a year of elegance by scheduling one new elegant experience each month. You can read about my latest elegant experience here! Check back often as I share a new elegant experience every month!

  22. Practice saying no with kindness and grace: An elegant woman knows how to manage her time so that she’s able to put forward her best effort to the things that matter most. Learn how to say no with these tips!

  23. Tune into your charisma: Is charisma something you’re born with? No! It’s a skill you can learn and practice. Start with this book to learn how!

  24. Hand write thank you cards: Handwritten thank you notes are always in style. Build an elegant stationery kit so you’re always prepared and consider taking the Art of Correspondence virtual training.

  25. Wear lipstick: Did you know? Lipstick communicates confidence and gives the subtle impression that you value your words. Choose your best color and add a swipe for an instant and elegant pick-me-up.

  26. Focus on quality over quantity: Say “no, thank you!” to fast fashion and instead focus on building a capsule wardrobe steeped in quality over quantity. Not sure where to begin? Check out some of my favorite pieces from Quince, my go-to brand for affordable high-quality cashmere garments.

  27. Learn how to hold your handbag correctly: Remember, the name says it all. A clutch is “clutched” in your hand while a shoulder bag is correctly carried over one shoulder. Armpit bag? Never heard of it ;)

  28. Tip generously: Understand the tipping practices in your own culture as well as in any new country or culture you may be visiting. Tipping can also include leaving quality reviews online and passing along referrals. There’s always a way to say thank you!

  29. Hold glassware correctly: There are so many “influencers” out there promoting elegance, yet they all seem to have one thing in common - incorrectly holding their glassware! Instantly polish your presence by holding glassware and stemware correctly.

  30. Listen more than you speak: You’ll be well-liked, well informed and come across as more caring and interesting than those who monopolize the conversation.

  31. Find something to celebrate every day: Never underestimate the power of small wins and daily celebration. Find a reason to smile, laugh and celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. You are incredible!

What tip is your favorite? How will you elevate your everyday this year? Share your thoughts below - I love reading your comments!