Your Most Elegant Year Yet: Let’s Check-In!

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Every January, I host the 31 Day Elevate Your Everyday Challenge. This month long challenge is a unique opportunity that brings together a global cohort of women working toward creating their most elegant life. Each day features a new lesson focused on elevating the everyday through strategic moves and modern etiquette. By the end of the challenge, each woman has acquired tools and skills to help her achieve her goals and make it her most elegant year yet!

Eager to join us in 2025? Sign up for the waitlist!

What is elegance? Quite simply, elegance is defined as the quality of being graceful and stylish in appearance or manner; style. However, I prefer to focus on its secondary meaning: the quality of being pleasingly ingenious and simple.

By reviewing our daily routines, our wardrobe and even our work habits, you can identify ingenious solutions to simplify your life and create more room for elegance!

Whether or not you participated in this year’s challenge, I would like to challenge you now to reflect on the first three months of 2024 we’ve enjoyed so far and consider how you can make this year YOUR most elegant year yet!

How are you making 2024 your most elegant year yet? Perhaps you are elevating your style by creating a capsule wardrobe or simplifying your space by decluttering. Maybe you’re improving your skills with etiquette classes or trying a new hobby! Whatever it is, it’s important to remember that your elegant life can only be defined by YOU!

Now that we’re three months into the year, take some time to reflect on where you are now in your journey. Have you been taking active steps toward your goals or is your vision board collecting dust in the back of your closet?

Let’s celebrate! I hope you’ve been making progress toward your goals, whether they are goals you created during the Challenge or on your own. What have you achieved so far? Remember, even small steps are worth celebrating!

Here are a few wins I’m celebrating:

  • A national feature in theSkimm’ weekend edition

  • Partnering with a local boutique to create content

  • Revitalizing my blog & obtaining affiliate partners to create a new stream of income

These wins are all small steps toward my goals of growing my business this year through national media, local partnerships and by creating a passive revenue stream. I still have a long way to go to reach those BIG goals, but I’m going to celebrate these wins as they are steps in the right direction!

What wins are YOU celebrating?

Of course, an elegant life is filled with more than just work! It’s important to incorporate rest and play into your daily and monthly routines, too.

I find that when I proactively plan at least one “elegant event” each month, I’m able to slow down and be more intentional when it comes to enjoying the experiences I desire. I’ve been fortunate to enjoy a variety of elegant experiences so far this year, and I hope you have, too!

Elegant experiences I’ve enjoyed so far this year:

  • A knife skills class at Sur la table with my husband

  • A calligraphy class with my Junior League friends

  • Creating beautiful tables for my family to celebrate holidays and the everyday!

  • A wonderful dinner date at The Dixboro Project

  • A family trip to The Henry Ford Museum

What elegant experience or experiences have you enjoy so far in 2024?

It’s been a lovely few months, but I have a feeling things will only get better from here!

Spring is slowly arriving and we are filled with joyful anticipation as we await the newest addition of our family!

There is so much to look forward to and hope you take time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished so far this year, refine your goals for the remainder of the year and remember to plan a few elegant events to enjoy, too!

Will 2024 be your most elegant year yet? Leave a comment and let me know how your year is going so far!


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