The Secret to Making Your New Year’s Resolution Stick
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You have officially made it a full week into the new year! So I must ask, how are your New Year Resolutions going so far?
As we step into 2025 and embrace a new chapter filled with possibilities, you may find yourself reflecting on the past year and dreaming of what lies ahead.
January is often a time when the air is filled with the spirit of renewal and the feeling of a fresh start is as invigorating as the chill in the air (at least if you’re in the midwest, like me!). With that spirit comes the motivation and excitement of committing to resolutions, creating vision boards and laying out a plan for the year.
BUT BEWARE! Quitter’s Day is just around the corner! Yes, recent research shows that 23% of adults will quit their New Year’s Resolutions by the second Friday of January and that number will rise to 43% by the end of the month.
So what can you do to ensure you see your New Year’s Resolutions through the year?
The secret to keeping your resolution is to turn it into a GOAL.
How? First, let’s pause and take a moment to truly understand the distinction between a resolution and a goal.
Resolutions vs. Goals: The Subtle Nuance
While both resolutions and goals are rooted in the desire for improvement, they serve different purposes in your journey to self-improvement.
A resolution often embodies a broad intention or a promise to change, such as “I want to be healthier” or “I want to live more elegantly". While these statements may sound admirable, they lack the clarity and direction needed for tangible progress.
On the other hand, a goal is specific, measurable and time bound. It transforms abstract desires into actionable steps. It takes “I want to be healthier” to “I will walk for 30 minutes 3 days a week” or “I want to live more elegantly” to “I will plan one elegant outing for myself per month.”
Goals empower you to track your progress and celebrate your milestones, making the progress toward your goal just as exciting as reaching the goal itself.
The Secret to Making Your New Year’s Resolution Stick: Setting SMART Goals
To elevate your aspirations from mere resolutions to meaningful goals, try using the SMART Goal framework:
SPECIFIC: Define your goal with precision. Instead of saying “I want to read more good books,” make it more specific and try “I will read one book from my TBR list each month.”
MEASURABLE: Establish criteria for measuring progress. Instead of “I want to travel” try “I will save $100 each month to put toward a year-end vacation.”
ACHIEVABLE: Ensure your goal is realistic and attainable. While “moon shots” are admirable, your goal should stretch your capabilities without becoming overwhelming.
RELEVANT: Align your goals with your personal values and life purpose. In fact, before you set any goal, you should be crystal clear on your personal values. A goal that aligns with your core beliefs will inspire you and keep you motivated.
TIME-BOUND: Set a deadline to create a sense of urgency. “I will complete the final draft of my book by October 25th.” will give you a timeline to work within.
As you embark on your journey of self-discovery and growth, remember that the key to embracing the art of intentional living is to set achievable goals and celebrate your wins, both large and small, along the way. Check in often on your progress, refine as needed, but always keep the goal in sight.
Take time this week to elevate your aspirations from vague resolutions to SMART goals, and watch as you transform not only your year, but your life.
Cheers to a new year - I hope 2025 is your most elegant year yet!
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