A Proper Introduction
Welcome! My name is Courtney Opalko and I am so pleased to meet you.
This dream of mine started when I was in the fourth grade. Well, perhaps not this exact dream, but the fascination which led to this dream certainly did when I was gifted a book all about manners. I’ll never forget it because I was absolutely horrified! After all, I supposed I was quite a perfect child as it were… what more did I have to learn?
It turns out there was quite a bit more.
While the idea of being prepared to meet Her Majesty the Queen was certainly appealing, I quickly learned that etiquette would serve me in ways both small and large. Whether it was quickly building rapport with teachers, acing job interviews, dealing with my parents’ divorce, or finding my way into the world’s biggest corporation, the tips and tricks I learned along the way helped me to handle myself with charm and grace. It may sound old-fashioned, but it still works.
Fast-forward more than a few years and I’ve found myself safely out of my twenties. I’m married, I’m a mother, and I quit my big-time corporate job to do something else. Something which would serve the world, bring me joy and utilize the knowledge and skills I’ve developed over a lifetime fascination with etiquette.
My passion lies in more than just knowing which fork to use or how to properly introduce myself and work a room at a networking event. My passion lies in learning everyday, in growing and improving as a person, and in helping others to be the best version of their self. The way I see it, etiquette is not about perfection. Etiquette is about having the self-confidence to carry yourself through any situation with grace.
“Etiquette is not about perfection. Etiquette is about having the self-confidence to carry yourself through any situation with grace.”
So here I am today! Embarking on a new adventure. Designing my life in a way which brings me joy and in which I can serve the world by building up others on a foundation of empathy, kindness and respect. After all, etiquette is just a fancy word for simple kindness.
Yours Sincerely,
Courtney Opalko