The Elegant Woman’s Guide to Shutting Down Hot Gossip

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Gossip has been around for as long as humans have conversed together. Most of the time, this idle chatter is harmless and is used as a way of connecting and forming deeper relationships. However, if we’re not careful, gossip can quickly take a turn, becoming hurtful and harmful to ourselves and others.

How do we navigate between harmless gossip and hurtful rumors?

Harmless gossip is generally neutral in context and feeling. Did you hear about the farmers market relocating this summer? I’ve heard the conversations around the new development have stalled. Susie mentioned the splash pad will be finished by July. Did you notice the house down the street went up for sale?…. these are examples of idle chatter. There is nothing inherently mean or speculative, it’s a bit of community he said/she said. There’s no one particularly involved and nothing personal being attacked. It’s natural to observe the world around us, wonder at what’s going on and to share those thoughts with others!

Harmful gossip targets a specific person and their character or reputation. It’s the whispered “did you hear about…” and “you’ll never believe this but…” followed by salacious stories and scandal. We only need to consider the recent devolvement of news surrounding HRH Catherine, the Princess of Wales, and her health to understand how quickly things can get out of hand.

Scandal makes for good stories. It can even feel invigorating to let our imaginations go wild - but when it comes to the expense of others, it’s time to pause and reflect before we speak.

So how do you shut down the hot gossip with ease and grace? Here are four different tactics you can use as an elegant woman to stop harmful gossip in its tracks.

4 Ways to Quickly Shut Down Gossip with Ease & Grace

  1. Indirect: Wait for a pause in the conversation. Simply nod and perhaps say something like “wow, that’s an interesting story!” and then change the subject. The person gossiping should get the hint that you are not interested in participating any further in the gossip.

  2. Direct: “I don’t feel comfortable gossiping about someone who is not present. We should wait until X is here to tell her own story.” This is a brave thing to say, but when delivered with a kind, clear and confident voice, it will immediately shut down any story-telling or speculation.

  3. Ask for facts: “Did X tell you this herself?” “Is X comfortable with you sharing her story?” “What makes you think that’s true?” “Where did you hear that?” These direct questions will force the person sharing details to pause and reflect. Do they have permission to share this information? Is it in fact true?

  4. Use Humor: “Well, I’m sure if that’s true we would have seen it on the news by now!” A light-hearted attempt to brush off benign gossip can quickly stop the conversation and cordially move it in a new direction.

When using these tactics, it’s imperative that you use a kind, clear and confident voice. Quietly mumbling through the words will not have the desired effect! Stand up straight, make eye contact, use a friendly tone of voice and speak up confidently. This powerful body language will reinforce the message and ensure it’s heard - and understood - loud and clear.

It can be tempting to use gossip to gain entry into different social groups, to impress others or even make us feel “better than,” but there are many more elegant ways to do that. Research has shown time and time again that those who regularly participate in harmful gossip actually suffer from low self-esteem. Being the target of malicious rumors and gossip results in many adverse mental and behavioral effects, especially among the most vulnerable like children and teens.

An elegant woman keeps an elegant mind and is impeccable with her word. Turning to harmful gossip as a way of entertaining others or elevating oneself will only deteriorate trust in relationships and eventually tear down one’s own reputation.

The next time you encounter harmful gossip, take the high road and quickly shut it down with ease and grace. You will not only feel better, but you will also be protecting someone else’s reputation. When you are truthful, kind and impeccable with your word, you will gain a reputation of being an honest, trustworthy and elegant woman in both words and actions.

Do you find it difficult to shut down gossip? Have you been the target of harmful rumors? I’d love for you to share what you learned from your experience. Leave a comment below and join the conversation.


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