Embrace Spring with these Elegant Ideas
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The first day of Spring is tomorrow! Although, if you’re like me and in Michigan, you might not notice as it is currently snowing!
Regardless of the current weather, it’s a relief to know that springtime is around the corner. There are flowers beginning to poke through, a freshness in the air and a sense of renewal abounds!
Are you ready to embrace Spring?
The change of season is a wonderful time to reflect, reconnect and reset your goals and vision for the year. Today I’m sharing six ways you can embrace Spring and elevate your everyday with a sense of casual elegance. Try one or embrace them all - but do let me know which you like best!
“A kind word is like a spring day.”
Simply sharing a kind word, a smile or a compliment with a stranger can bring a sense of warmth and renewal. Not only will you feel good, you’ll surely make the other person’s day, too.
If you are sharing a compliment, try this simple tip to make the compliment even more effective:
Begin the compliment with “YOU” instead of “I”. What does this sound like? Instead of saying “I love the pink scarf you’re wearing!” try “You look wonderful in that shade of pink!” instead. This puts the emphasis on the other person, instead of on yourself.
It’s a simple trick that will leave the person you complimented simply floating on your kind words.
Winter has had its run and now it’s time to refresh our spirits with fresh air and a bit of sunshine. Embrace the slow return of warmer, longer days with creative hobbies and sports that leave your mind and body feeling energized.
Now is the time to sign-up for tennis lessons, organize a walking club, and begin working in the garden. Spring prepares us for new life and is the perfect time to take up a new hobby that will revitalize your spirit.
A few of my favorite Springtime hobbies include:
Creating simple arrangements with the early blooms of hyacinth, daffodils and tulips found in our garden.
Working the garden beds and finalizing plans for our summer vegetable gardens.
Listening to podcasts while on a morning walk, relishing in the crisp, fresh air.
Taking up a new sport, like tennis, with lessons through the local Parks & Recreation department or athletic club.
You may be reaching for your favorite cashmere sweater for a while longer, but now is the time to introduce pops of color to your wardrobe, makeup and accessories. Try a gorgeous silk scarf in a pastel shade, a brighter shade of lipstick, or trade your snow boots for a pair of bright yellow wellies.
Warmer shades of colors are known to boost your mood, so shake off the last of the winter blues with a bit of color!
Just remember, while it may be tempting, avoid refreshing your lipstick at the table. Instead, check and refresh before exiting your car or excuse yourself to the ladies room for a fresh swipe.
You may be focused on spring cleaning your home, but what about spring cleaning your mind and heart?
Take time to reflect on habits you could improve. Try removing filler words from your vocabulary and focus on learning a word each day instead. You could also visit a local museum, find inspiration at the theater, or pick up a new book at the library.
Remember, an elegant woman is careful to keep an elegant mind.
One of the easiest ways to embrace everyday elegance is to focus on curating seasonal menus featuring local, in-season produce. The change of season should be a signifier to refresh your go-to recipes and swap out heavy winter stews with lighter spring soups that highlight in-season vegetables like carrots and spring peas.
Spring is also the time of year when it is natural to reflect on how we are treating the environment around us. From supporting local farmers to reducing waste, there are many benefits to eating local and prioritizing seasonal produce.
It’s also a wonderful time to recommit to making better choices to help cultivate a healthier world around us. One simple thing you can do is swap out paper towel and disposable napkins for linen or cotton napkins that can be used over and over again. Not only is it a more eco-conscious choice, linen or cotton napkins will also instantly elevate your table and bring a feeling of casual elegance to every meal.
P.S. Shop my favorite Elegant Hosting Necessities on Amazon and replace disposable entertaining wares with chic and sustainable choices.
Lastly, take some time to reflect on the past three months. Remember at the beginning of the year when you committed to making this your most elegant year yet? Now is the time to check-in with your vision for the year, fine tune your goals and celebrate the accomplishments you’ve achieved so far!
Embrace the feeling of renewal and refresh your mindset to go after your goals and continue working to make this year your best one yet.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed today’s post and feel inspired to welcome the new season.
Leave a comment with your favorite tip, an etiquette question you’d love to have answered, or your own idea for how to embrace the season with elegance and grace.