Why Etiquette is More Important Today than Ever

MBAs may be a dime a dozen these days, but are manners? In this fast-paced world we live in, it often seems like manners go by the wayside. Are we truly too busy to hold the door for a stranger on our way out of Starbucks? Or smile at our neighbor passing by? 

Photo by Emily Ranquist (Canva)

Photo by Emily Ranquist (Canva)

‘Etiquette’ may bring images of stuffy Victorian ladies, white gloves & boring dinner parties, or outdated, complex “rules.” But in our modern world, ‘etiquette’ is really quite simple. Etiquette is not about perfection. It is simply having the confidence to carry yourself through any situation with grace.

Photo by Moose Photos (Canva)

Photo by Moose Photos (Canva)

So, where to start? If increasing your confidence while making your corner of the world just that much brighter sounds interesting, my challenge to you is to consciously incorporate these three things into your daily routine:

  • Greet everyone you see with a smile and “hello”

  • Deliver at least one genuine compliment

  • Hold the door for anyone passing through behind you

These may seem like silly no-brainers, but I can’t tell you how often I get a genuinely surprised “Thank You” for holding the door for the busy business man running into Starbucks behind me, or complimenting a coworkers new outfit. The details matter, and when we notice, it lets others know they matter. 

Tell me! Leave a comment and let me know how YOU incorporate kindness and etiquette into your every day routine.

Courtney opalko etiquette.png

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